countdown to festivusApril 18th, 2015. This is the day that all across the country the Festivus games will be held. The expected turn-out this year is over 5,000 athletes nationwide… ready to participate in this one-day event.

Will you be one of them?

The first Festivus competition was held on April 30th, 2011 with about 70 people competing. The idea was simple: A competition that is designed for novice and intermediate level CrossFit competitors.

The Festivus Games have grown a lot since then, but the idea remains the same. And this quote from the Festivus site says it all, “This competition is about capacity more than a high degree of skill. Everyone can row…just how fast?” And that’s why this is the perfect first competition.

We are proud that Premier CrossFit is hosting the games for our area. So even if you’re not competing, make sure you come to cheer on your fellow competitors and represent our box!

For those who are competing, here are a few tips from PCF’s one and only Coach CT:

– Have fun. There will be no fire breathers there. No seasoned competitors. This is a competition “for the rest of us” so give it your all and have a good time.

– Cheer for everyone else. Continue to create the community that is CrossFit throughout the competition. Make silly workout faces. Be bold. Enjoy yourself.

– Make sure to bring snacks. Gatorade, pickle juice, spark, something that metabolizes fast and can give you a little boost since the workouts are close together.

– Take picture… lots of pictures. For those of you who will go on to compete, this is your starting place, your first competition. You will look back one day and see where you began and how far you’ve come.

– Treat this like any other competition. Our coaches don’t advise an intense 45 minute workout the day before. Get plenty of sleep and make sure to drink plenty of water the day before so you’ll be rested and hydrated going into the competition.

– Do lots of mobility after the competition is over and again 24 hours later. You will be sore!

– If this is your first time to compete, don’t let a bad performance on one of the WODs throw you for the rest of the competition. There are three workouts, not just one, so don’t let one lacking performance steal the fun and enjoyment that should be yours that day.

– And lastly: Listen to your coach.

Again, if you’re not competing, but are planning to be there to cheer for your box or a family member, make sure to represent as lively as you can. Have fun. Go big. This is what’s the Festivus is all about.

So come ready to cheer loud and have fun.

Let’s represent our Premier Crossfit Box!

Countdown to Festivus… Are YOU ready?