the open

  1. Enjoy the community: You are a part of a huge group of people doing the Open this year… From Premier, East Texas, the United states, and around the world. So be a part! Enjoy pushing yourself, getting outside your comfort zone, being a great cheerleader to those around you, and soak up the great community.
  2. Give it your best and celebrate the results: If you walk away from each workout knowing that you gave your best effort, hold your head high. The Open is a great opportunity to show off your hard work over the past year… so show off!  Push yourself, give it your all, and then celebrate where you’re at and all the hard work it took to get there. Be your best… That’s all anyone can ask for.  
  3. Don’t sweat the small stuff: There is a chance something may not go exactly as planned. The clips on your bar may loosen up, you may run out of chalk, your shoe might come united. It’s all ok. Don’t sweat the things you can’t control; you control your effort and your attitude – no need to stress about the other stuff.
  4. Avoid excessive leaderboarding: Submit your score one time and check the leaderboard once. There is no need to continue refreshing the leaderboard on Monday night – to be honest it’s a waste of time. Continuing to look at where you stand in comparison to the rest of the world will only stress you out. Remember, this is about being apart of the greater CrossFit community around the world and having a good time.
  5. Have fun and enjoy yourself: Like I’ve said before, this is a fun five weeks of workouts. So challenge yourself, bask in the community that surrounds you, and just do your very best. There is little that is quite as satisfying as giving something your best effort and walking out with your head held high. So smile, work hard, and enjoy the process!

By: Coach Jericho Littauer

5 Steps to Surviving The Crossfit Open