goals bryceIt’s the new year which means everyone is ready to make a few new year’s resolutions. It seems like the thing to do to welcome the new year and yet many of us have realized due to failure in year’s past that these resolutions often last less than a few months and leave us more disappointed than accomplished.

So to kick off the new year we don’t want to just make new year’s resolutions, we want to set goals.

It might seem like the same thing at first glance, but in reality these are two very different things.

Bryce Chilton will be leading our first goal setting clinic on January 9th and this will go far beyond making a few new year’s resolutions.

Through this clinic we are going to dig into who you are, what your values are, and why you want to do what you want to do. When you set out to accomplish something and when you set a goal, it’s so much more than throwing out a resolution over a glass of champagne at the stroke of midnight in hopes of being a better person in the coming year.

To truly accomplish a goal you need to be able to define what it is you want and then identify the why behind it. You need to know what drives you and pushes you and why you want what you want. Because that will be the fuel to carry you through the victory days and the days you don’t feel like taking the next step towards your goal.

And that’s why this clinic will center around taking a deeper look at what you want, why you want it, and what you’re willing to give in order to get it, first and foremost. Then we will set goals as the final piece on that strong foundation which will carry you through towards actually accomplishing what you want.

We are excited to make and set goals as a community for this coming year… Because by sharing your goals with others who are pursuing and chasing goals right beside you, you have encouragement and support, someone to help you stand back up if you fall, and many to celebrate with when you finally accomplish something you’ve worked hard for.

And that’s why we’re excited about this goal setting clinic and even more excited to see what amazing accomplishments and conquered goals we’ll experience together as a community in this coming year.

For more information on the goal setting clinic click here.

Goals, Perspective, and Your 2016