When it comes to CrossFit, having a good coach is everything. We love our Premier coaches and wanted to give you all the chance to get to know them each a little better as well. Enjoy!

Bryce Chilton

(CrossFit Level 1 Certified)

Bryce, or “The Big Red Machine” as he’s better known around here, is both a CrossFit competitor and one of our best coaches. Bryce is all about motivation, hard work, accomplishing your goals, and remembering to love and enjoy the process. If Bryce isn’t teaching a class, you’ll probably see him sweating and working out hard core in the corner, most likely to epic instrumental music (which he loves). As a 2015 regional games competitor, Bryce knows all about putting in the work to achieve your goals and he brings that kind of passion and motivation every time he trains. But don’t let those abs and arms fool you…though he’s a beast in CrossFit, Bryce is actually a closet nerd and loves Dragon Ball Z and especially loves Ninja Turtles.

Known for saying: “Don’t mind the suck”

Favorite Movement: Anything overhead!

Favorite Girl: Nancy

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John Eikner

(CrossFit Level 1 Certified)

John’s laid-back approach is one that makes everyone in his class feel at ease. John specializes in getting to know each person he trains individually and then pushing them to get the results they want. John is all about sweating hard and loving life. His favorite quote from Kung Fu Panda says it all, “The past is history, the future’s a mystery, and every day is a gift, that’s why they call it the present.” But though he may seem Zen and laid back, this guy sure can lift!

Known for saying: “You’ve gotta push yourself to the limits to know what they are.”

Favorite Movement: Clean and Jerk

Favorite Girl: Elizabeth

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Joshua Jericho Littauer

(CrossFit Level 1 Certified)

Joshua is a CrossFit competitor as well as a very knowledgeable and effective coach. Joshua has competed in many CrossFit competitions and knows what it means to work hard to excel at something you love. Josh is passionate about coaching both CrossFit beginners as well as those looking to step into the competitive arena and by his thorough coaching, encouragement, and knack for tweaking movements he pushes those he trains to the next level. Josh is known as “The Gorilla” around here and if you hang around him for long, you’ll know why.

Known for saying: “When in doubt, squeeze your butt.”

Favorite Movement: The snatch. Particularly if done for a 1 rep max.

Favorite Girl: Fran. Short, sweet, and potentially devastating. I love it.

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Hayle Hudson

(CrossFit Level 1 Certified)

Hayle Hudson’s strength, focus, and determination is something she brings into everything she does. Whether she is training hard for her next competition or leading a class, Hayle doesn’t half-heartedly do anything. Her passion for CrossFit and for helping people tap into their inner strength is poured into every class she teaches. Hayle is all about helping each person she trains overcome their own limitations, whether physically or mentally, so that they can conquer fear and obstacles and achieve more than they ever thought possible.

Known for saying: “If you can silence those voices of doubt, if you can push past your comfort zones and your insecurities, if you can devote yourself and put in the work each day, you can accomplish anything.”

Favorite Movement: Snatch

Favorite Girl: GRACE. Cause who doesn’t need a little grace!? 🙂

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Seth Walker

(USAW Level 2 advanced sports performance coach, NASM PES, Crossfit Strongman) Seth is the kind of coach that everyone loves training with. Whether you’re an advanced Olympic lifter, CrossFit competitor, stay at home mom, or first time CrossFitter, Seth is the man for the job. Seth’s laid-back style makes everyone he trains feel at ease and comfortable while his highly effective instruction yields daily progress and results. Seth also leads Athleo, our Olympic Barbell Club, which was the first barbell in East Texas and its members celebrate consistent improvements in their lifting as well as many new PRs. Seth is also what you might call a sock lover and daily struts one of his many pairs, setting the bar for “sock swag” pretty high.

Known for saying: “Never compromise the quality of your movements. Remember…technique, consistency, and then intensity.”

Favorite Movement: Snatch – It’s a love hate relationship

Favorite Girl: Karen

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Clara Palacios


(CrossFit Level 1 Certified)

Clara is best described as strong, consistent, and easy to love. She is excellent at helping each person she trains find their unique goals and stay motivated to achieve exactly what they set out to do. Clara’s instruction is simple yet effective, which makes her an outstanding trainer for any CrossFitter. Clara was born and raised in Belize…but don’t let her exotic beauty and luscious hair fool you. This girl is strong!

Known for saying: If all else fails, do some squats!

Favorite Movement: Back Squat

Favorite Girl: Annie – Because double-unders are tons of fun!

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Johna Germany

(CrossFit Level 1 Certified, CrossFit Powerlifting Certified)

Johna Germany is nothing short of amazing. Johna is a CrossFit competitor as well as an incredible coach. She approaches each workout with laser focus and boundless energy. Johna has been a CrossFit coach for over 2 years and during that time she has had the opportunity to coach at a Crossfit box in Kuwait. Her depth of knowledge and experience coupled with her ability to instruct effectively makes her an outstanding coach. Johna knows how to push each one of the individuals in her class to help them reach their potential and specializes in women’s only classes.

Known for saying: Work hard!

Favorite Movement: Any Olympic Lift

Favorite Girl: Annie

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Our Premier Coaches